Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings - Contradiction or Reality?
Reception & Registration
Welcome speech by Minister Elisabeth Udolf-Strobl / Federal Ministry of Digital and Economic Affairs
Welcome speech by Burghauptmann Reinhold Sahl, cert. MHA / Burghauptmannschaft Österreich
3H Spot (Historic House Hot Spot): EUROPA NOSTRA
Graham Bell / Board Member of EUROPA NOSTRA
IEA Project: SHC Task 59 Renovating Historic Buildings Towards Zero Energy
Dr. Alexandra Troi / EURAC
PRO-Heritage: PROtect traditional built HERITAGE Skills
Claudia Paul, cert. MHA/THA &
Markus Wimmer, cert. MHA/THA / Burghauptmannschaft Österreich
Lunch break and networking
Parallel Workshop Streams
Stream 1 Stream 2
Stream 1: EU project PRO-Heritage
Lightning Talk 1.1: Certified and Non-Certified Education for Craftsmen in Energy Issues - An Overview
Véronica Buey Cieslak / AEGPC
Lightning Talk 1.2: Best Practice Examples for Energy Efficient Historic Buildings
Rory Cullen MSc, cert. MHA/THA / CullenConservation & English Heritage
Stream 2: Research project International Energy Agency - Task 59
Best Practices: Engaging Owners in Energy Renovations
Lightning Talk 2.1: ATLAS, a Best Practice Database for the Energy Retrofit of Historic Buildings
Daniel Herrera, PhD, Arch. / EURAC Research
Lightning Talk 2.2: Case Study in France
Julien Borderon, PhD, Civil Engineer / CEREMA
Quality Assurance in Energy Retrofits: The Role of Standards
Lightning Talk 2.3: Standard EN16883:2017
Tor Borström, PhD / Uppsala University
Lightning Talk 2.4: Driving Retrofit Quality in the UK
Valentina Marincioni / UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering
Stream 1: EU project PRO-Heritage
Lightning Talk 1.3: Natural cooling for historic buildings as a contribution to increasing energy efficiency
Dr. Jochen Käferhaus / TB Käferhaus
Stream 2: Research project International Energy Agency - Task 59
Simulation and Energy Retrofits: Tools for Better Decision-Making
Lightning Talk 2.5: Energy Performance
Fabrizio Leonforte / Politecnico di Milano
Lightning Talk 2.6: Guidelines from the European project RIBuild
Ernst Jan de Place Hansen, Senior Researcher, MSc(CivEng), PhD / Aalborg University Copenhagen
Open Forum: Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings - Contradiction or Reality? Panellists:
Reinhold Sahl, cert. MHA /
Burghauptmannschaft Österreich
Dr. Alexandra Troi / EURAC
Anna Maierhofer, MSc / Klimaneutralitätsbündnis 2025
Prof. John Edwards, MA, DipBldgCons, CEnv / EdwardsHart
Congress Day 2: 17 October 2019
Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings – Energy Efficiency in Europe
Opening Remarks
Historic Buildings Are Different!
Prof. John Edwards, MA, DipBldgCons, CEnv / EdwardsHart
Use of Renewable Energy in Historic Buildings –
What Can Research Do?
Walter Hüttler / e7 energy innovation & engineering
NEWCOM – New qualification schemes to build high quality (another H2020 project)
Georg Trnka / Energy Agency Austria
Energy efficiency and Monument Protection in Norway
Terje Nypan, PhD / Directorate for Cultural Heritage, Norway
Lunch break and networking
Cathedral Workshops in Europe – Relevance and Tasks
Wolfgang Zehetner / Dombauhütte Wien
Energy efficiency and Monument Protection in Germany
Julia Ludwar / Bayerisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege
BIM for Heritage helps saving energy
Dr. Wilhelm Reismann / tbw solutions ZT
Klaus Kogler / CES clean energy solutions
... and How Are the Owners of Historic Buildings Doing With Energy Efficiency?
Reinhold Sahl, cert. MHA,
Claudia Paul, cert. MHA/THA &
Gerhard Kaindl, cert. AMH /
Burghauptmannschaft Österreich
Open Forum: Comprehensive Energy Concepts for Historic Buildings.Panellists:
Reinhold Sahl / Burghauptmannschaft Österreich
Astrid Huber / Austrian Monument Protection Office
Julia Ludwar / Bayerisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege
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