Cultural Heritage – Good Governance and Digitisation
Opening by the patron,
welcome speech by the Burghauptmann, Reinhold Sahl
3H Spot (Historic House Hot Spot): Cultural Foundation "Dessau-Wörlitz"
Brigitte Mang / Cultural Foundation "Dessau-Wörlitz"
Traditional Craftsmanship as an Intangible Cultural Heritage and Economic Factor - Especially in Austria
Heidrun Bichler-Ripfel / Institut für angewandte Gewerbeforschung and Maria Walcher / expert of intangible cultural heritage
Digitalisation in Museums and Libraries
Andreas Gugler / Bundesmobiliendepot (Imperial Furniture Collection)
EHL Imperial Palace Vienna: Latest News
Lunch break and networking
Parallel Workshop sessions
Stream 1 Stream 2 Stream 3
Stream 1: Recording, Planning and Constructing Digitally
Block 1: State-of-the-art: Academic
Lightning Talk 1.W.1: Austrian iBIM Standard ÖNORM A 6241-2 and FreeBIM Server: What They Mean for Historic Buildings
Werner Gächter / University Innsbruck
Lightning Talk 1.W.2: BIM4Heritage
Edonis Jesus, BA(Hons), MA, Pg. Dip, RIBA / lendlease
Wrap-up Lightning Talk 1.W
Block 2: State-of-the-art: Companies
Lightning Talk 1.U.1: Digital Recording of Historic Buildings
Dr. Harald Meixner and Dr. Philipp Meixner / MEIXNER Vermessung ZT GmbH
Lightning Talk 1.U.2: Digital (BIM) As-Built Surveys and Inventory Taking - How to Work with Digital Data of the Built Environment
Herbert Peter / artuum architecture EDV Dienstleistungen GmbH
Wrap-up Lightning Talk 1.U
Stream 2: Managing and Communicating Digitally
Block 1: State-of-the-art: Academic
Lightning Talk 2.W.1: OrbEEt – Energy Optimisation by an Intelligent Monitoring and Controlling System
Panos Andriopoulos / Hypertech and Wilfrid Utz / BOC
Lightning Talk 2.W.2: Applicable Representation of City Centres with Heritage Importance (APPROACH)
Krzysztof Jan Chuchra / Edinburgh World Heritage
Wrap-up Lightning Talk 2.W
Block 2: State-of-the-art: Companies
Lightning Talk 2.U.1: Digitisation in Facility Management
Georg Stadlhofer, MSc / Drees & Sommer
Lightning Talk 2.U.2: Virtual Worlds - Reality and Future
Marcel Nürnberg und Ari Christian Benz, MA / SQUAREBYTES Interactive Media
Wrap-up Lightning Talk 2.U
Stream 3: Representing Collections and Historic Buildings Digitally
Block 1: State-of-the-art: Academic
Lightning Talk 3.W.1: Fraunhofer Innovations for Cultural Heritage - 3D Technologies for the Digital Collection Presentation
Pedro Santos, MSc MA, MSc / Fraunhofer Gesellschaft
Lightning Talk 3.W.2: ARCHES - Accessible Resources for Cultural Heritage EcoSystems
Dr. Rotraud Krall / KHM Museumsverband (Vienna Museum of Fine Arts / museums group)
Wrap-up Lightning Talk 3.W
Block 2: State-of-the-art: Companies
Lightning Talk 3.U.1: Using 3D Visualisation to Revive Historic Buildings Online
Christina Hinterberger and Isabel Karlhuber / Sphereshot
Lightning Talk 3.U.2: Serious games and Virtual Reality for Smart Cities and Smart Culture
Lucia Pannese / imaginary srl
Wrap-up Lightning Talk 3.U
Stream 1: Recording, Planning and Constructing Digitally
Block 3: State-of-the-art: Owner/Operator
Lightning Talk 1.E.1: Possibilities and requirements for digital redording of building data in monuments
Jürgen Klemisch / Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz (German Foundation for Monument Protection)
Lightning Talk 1.E.2: Digital Data Analysis for Future Refurbishment and Maintenance Projects
Arch. Pedro Vaz, PhD / Presidency of Portugal and Prof. Arch. Luís Mateus, University of Lisbon
Wrap-up Lightning Talk 1.E
Stream 2: Managing and Communicating Digitally
Block 3: State-of-the-art: Owner/Operator
Lightning Talk 2.E.1: Digitisation in the National Trust
Rory Cullen, MSc / National Trust of England
Lightning Talk 2.E.2: E-Mobility at the Imperial Palace Vienna
Bettina Mühlegger / Silke Scherner
Wrap-up Lightning Talk 2.E
Stream 3: Representing Collections and Historic Buildings Digitally
Block 3: State-of-the-art: Owner/Operator
Lightning Talk 3.E.1: Digitisation Strategy for the Städel Museum Frankfurt
Dr. Chantal Eschenfelder / STÄDEL MUSEUM
Lightning Talk 3.E.2: Digital Representation - The Example of Gladiator School Carnuntum
Claudia Melchart / Archäologische Kulturpark Niederösterreich Carnuntum and Günther Weinlinger / 7reasons
Wrap-up Lightning Talk 3.E
Digital Documentation of Historical Objects
Stefan Linsinger / Linsinger ZT GmbH and Markus Wimmer / Burghauptmannschaft Österreich
Wrap-up of the workshops
Philipp Kaufmann / Roland Lehner / Gerald Wagenhofer
Congress Day 2: 15 November 2018
The Economic Value of Cultural Heritage – European Best Practices
Opening remarks
Untapped Potential of Digitisation in Construction and Architecture
Melanie Piskernik / Vienna University of Technology - Institute for Interdisciplinary Construction Process Management and Dr. Wilhelm Reismann / Platform 4.0 "Plan.Build.Operate"
Potential and Future in Using BIM (Building Information Modelling) for Heritage Buildings
Prof. Arto Kiviniemi / University of Liverpool
Voice of Culture (Activities report)
Reinhold Sahl / Burghauptmannschaft Österreich
Voice of Culture - Traditional skills (Activities report)
The Future of Construction Processes
Dr. Gerald Goger / Vienna University of Technology
Awards Ceremony: MODI-FY Certificates
Lunch break and networking
WorldCafé: Requirements for the Digitalisation of Historic Buildings
Topic 1: Construction Site Processes and Historic Buildings: How Do They Go Together (eLogistic, Electronical Quality and Quantity Recording, Interfaces to ERP Systems)
Gerald Wagenhofer / UBW
Topic 2: Building Information Systems for Historic Buildings (3D plans, Interfaces to Energy Consumption Systems, ecc.)
Rory Cullen, MSc / National Trust of England and Peter Stöckl / Burghauptmannschaft Österreich
Topic 3: What Internet of Things (IoT) Means for Operating Historic Buildings (Damage Assessment via Apps, Recording and Billing of Energy Consumption, Smart Metering, Smart Maintenance)
Philip Kaufmann / Heritage Europe
Topic 4: Internet of Things (IoT) in Museums / Libraries (Virtual Museum, VR/AR/MR, Business Model "Museum", Monitoring of Climate Data)
Viktoria Hammer / Burghauptmannschaft Österreich
Topic 5: Industry 4.0 - Cultural Heritage 4.0 (Changes brought about by Industry 4.0 bzw. IoT - Internet of Things)
Reinhold Sahl / Burghauptmannschaft Österreich and Graham Bell / EUROPA NOSTRA
Panel Discussion: Where does the journey take us to? Where do we want it to take us to?
Participants: Reinhold Sahl, Graham Bell, Philipp Kaufmann
Poster session "Requirements for the Digitisation of Historic Buildings"
Workshop Leaders
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