Getting to the Hofburg

ÖBB tickets for the Austrian railways or special C02 compensation flight tickets ( will turn your trip into a low-emission journey.

You may use the following link to purchase reduced flight tickets at Austrian Airlines, the official carrier at the 8th European Congress on the Use, Management and Conservation of Buildings of Historical Value:

Participants of this congress will be offered a “congress fare”, that is to say, a tariff-reduction of 15%.

Furthermore, participants are also eligible for a tariff-reduction on their public transport tickets at the Vienna public transport services Wiener Linien:

The tickets are print tickets (to be printed by you) and they will be issued in the name of the buyer (first name and last name). They can be printed at home easily after having been ordered and may only be used in combination with a valid ID card (i.e. passport …). In addition, it is possible to purchase the airport transfer ticket along with the public transport ticket.

In Vienna, you can easily do without your car, as the hotels can all be reached by using public transport facilities. Also, the Congress Centre is a Green Venue, as it is equipped with a sound energy, electricity and waste system. The Green Catering team will provide you with dishes that are both traditional and creative. By using organic products, we do not only support the region but also your own well-being, for only natural and healthy products are being served.

Please find more information about public transport HERE.
